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Summer Series

Wooo! the Summer Series Staffordshire is back! For anyone that loves competitive running you should definitely take part in this years summer series. Hundreds of people of all ages sign up every year to run across rocky paths and up the steepest hills. This is definitely one of the best opportunities for runners to see how they compare to hundreds of others on some pretty tough routes. You can choose to take part in the entire series or just pick your favorite routes and take your mates to see who's the most resilient.

Even if you don't enjoy running you can go along and provide your support, every race has a cheeky social at a local pub afterwards so the atmosphere is wonderful. That is, providing you can put up with the smell of sweat lingering in the air.

If you fancy taking part in these challenging runs, above is the timetable including dates and locations for each run. They're all on a Thursday and the series lasts for 11 weeks with 10 races taking place. head over to the website for more information.

If running up hills and getting muddy and tired isn't your thing then why not offer your support, you could take a tea time picnic to eat while you wait. It's a competitive, sweaty, exciting atmosphere and hopefully they'll be plenty of sun for you to get a nice tan.

You'll find route maps, addresses for each starting point, this timetable, last years results and more over on the summer series website --> Summer Series

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